Our Work
Most Recent...

2021| El Grito del Arte Festival @Lares, P.R.

2021| AWID Artist Working Group Collab @Caguas, P.R.

2020 | Puerto Rico Edition of Mural Series sponsored by Doctors Without Borders in collaboration with "El Instituto de Sub-cultura" (Sub-Culture Insitute) @ Santurce, Puerto Rico

2021| El Grito del Arte Festival @Lares, P.R.

2019, Humacao Grita all women mural project, collab with Plena Combativa

2019, Humacao Grita All women Mural Project, Collab with Plena Combativa

2019, Humacao Grita all women mural project, collab with Plena Combativa
Urban Art

2021| Grito del Arte Festival @Lares, P.R.

With the Puerto Rican Diaspora...

Fresh Paint Springfield 2019

Fresh Paint Springfield 2019

Chicago, IL 2018

Fresh Paint Springfield 2019
Libre y Peligrosa | 2019 @ Humacao Grita | Humacao, Puerto Rico

2019, Humacao Grita all women mural project, collab with Plena Combativa

2019, Humacao Grita All Women Mural Project, Collab with Plena Combativa

2019, Humacao Grita All Women Mural Project, Collab with Plena Combativa

2019, Humacao Grita all women mural project, collab with Plena Combativa
Paz para la mujer | 2015

After a great journey, the monarch butterfly’s migration covers the forest that receives it. Like trees sprouting from the earth’s fertility and filling our world with life, two female figures are to be seen. In their nudity, they seize their freedom and reveal themselves to the judgment of others. Woman: connected and equated with nature.

After a great journey, the monarch butterfly’s migration covers the forest that receives it. Like trees sprouting from the earth’s fertility and filling our world with life, two female figures are to be seen. In their nudity, they seize their freedom and reveal themselves to the judgment of others. Woman: connected and equated with nature.

Collaboration with Dove PR to reinforce the collective care measures that we need to maintain during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the 3rd Edition of Grantmakers for Girls of Color Convention we explore the object of our bodies across borders and in a colonized world.

"They buried us without knowing we were seeds" @ Canisius College

Collaboration with Dove PR to reinforce the collective care measures that we need to maintain during the COVID-19 pandemic.